Ujjayi in Yoga-therapy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (How Shall I Breathe if I Snore?)

In order to clarify the perspective of Ujjayi-pranayama in yoga-therapy of people suffering from snoring and sleep apnea syndrome I suggest that we should turn our attention to the modern medicine’ concept of the breathing act, and in particular on physiological mechanisms of the afore-said muscles’ involvement within the breathing pattern.

By Elena Akhramieieva
March 21, 2012

We have already discussed in details the effects of the snake breathing, or the Ujjayi, in our article “Some Effects of Ujjayi, or Relaxation after Victory”. Another important effect of the practice that results from systematic application of this pranayama is the training of muscles of the pharynx, tongue and soft palate that the medicine of today refers to respiratory muscles and that suffer from sleep apnea syndrome.

[Read more on Academia.edu]